- Ring out the old Ring in the new. 响出辞旧迎新的钟声。
- The Scot like to ring out the Old Year. 苏格兰人喜欢鸣钟送旧。
- The Scots like to ring out the Old Year. 苏格兰人喜欢鸣钟送旧。
- The longest day at last rings out the evensong. 白日无论如何长,总要完结的。
- The chimes of the huge clock rang out the Old Year. 大钟的钟声送走了旧岁。
- The ringers rang out the old year before ringing in the new. 敲钟人鸣钟送走旧岁,接着又鸣钟迎来新年。
- I asked the goldsmith if he could make me a ring out of the necklace. 我问这个金匠能不能把项链改成戒指。
- The chimes of the huge clock rang out the Old Year . 大钟的钟声送走了旧岁。
- Can you hear the church bells ringing out the old year? 你能听到教堂的钟声在辞送旧岁吗?
- I heard a shot ring out somewhere. 我听到某处一声枪响。
- This festival is intended to ring out the old year and usher in the new, to celebrate the bring-in of the harvest and to pray for good luck in the coming year. 春节是辞旧迎新,祝贺五谷丰登,祈盼来年交好运的节日。
- She panted out the urgent message. 她气喘吁吁地讲出这个紧急口信。
- Cheers rang out from the assembly hall. 大会堂里响起了欢呼声。
- It took me quite a while to fill out the questionnaire. 填写那份问卷花了我好长一段时间。
- I put the shirt in soapy water to soak out the stain. 我将衬衫浸在肥皂水里以去除污渍。
- The detective soon raveled out the truth. 那名侦探很快就于真相大白。
- A shot rang out and galvanized the patrol into action. 一声枪响使巡逻队马上行动起来。
- The executor snored out the estate. 遗嘱执行人把遗产分给各个人。
- Charles can't leave early in his new job;he has to ring out. 查尔斯的新工作要求不能提早下班,他下班必须打卡。
- He used to muck out the stables every morning. 他过去每天早上打扫马厩。